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BeLinDa, MauRice, KeLLy, MiCk, & TeRi, the Centerpiece,Were Feeling Punchy After the DinNeR ParTy
EdiTaBLe ApPLeS--collage
Shoes from My AbStrAct PaiNtiNgS -Follow this Link: www.julesgissler.threadless.com--click on "Menu"
Please Visit: Https://www.threadless.com/shop/@julesgissler for T-shirts, Mugs, Shower Curtains, Etc
JuLeS 3 Abstracts HanGinG ouT @ Cornelia Park @ Biltmore Fashion Park
CruELLa De ViL Regarded PuPpy AcCeSsoRieS as the Height of Fashion!
CoMMiSsiOn for a Client Who is Recently Divorced Titled: "A New Life"
LoRenDa the PoOdLe & her ThouGhtS
3 Little Trader Joe's Flowers in a Little Vase
An AbStraCt WaitiNg for YoU at CoRneLia Park ShoP
CoMMiSsioN JuLeS to PaiNt the FloWeRs You WanT FoReVeR!
CoMMisSon for SeAttLe ReaLtoR, LiSa, for the BuYeRs of their NeW HoMe
The Beeeeeeeee! (8.5 x 11" giclee prints available-please email me if interested)
Decal 'Unite All' for your Car, or WheReVeR it is Most Appropriate!
ThriLLed to Have My ArtiSt TraDinG CarD in UPPERCASE Magazine
CoMMiSsion of Sweeeeeet Peanut
ThiS JuLeS PainTinG is HanGinG out at the Verrrry CoooL CorNeLia ParK @ the BiLtMoRe
HeArT LoVe
FeELinG GrOovY!--JiM, MinI. FlOreNce, & BuTcH, JusT ViBing SoMe GrOoVe FoR YoU!
PoRTraiT of BeautifuL IsSa Rae