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The 2023 PuRe WhiMsy CaLenDaRs Are Available Under 'Shop' on This Website <3
My CoMMiSsioNed PaiNting of a Slice of their Lemon Meringue Pie(My Mom's Favorite)for their New Spot
It's DoG DaY! This SaTurDay, August 13th, 11-4pm @ the Mesa Convention Center
Soooo ExCitEd to be Featured in the August Issue of Paradise Valley City Lifestyle Magazine!
Relief from the Heat...StrAwBeRrY ShORtCaKe
A SamPling of MuGs from the Summer ChaLLenGe--Let's Have a Cup O' Joe!
A MenaGeRie of JuLeS ArT at BlaCk CaT CoFFeE ShoP...Take JuLeS ArT Home... Your Wall Will Smile!
EdnA CaRmiChaeL & her Dog 'Mike' Took Note that All Eyes Were on her at the Neighborhood Parade
A Gift For Their 2 Children...A Portrait of Their Childhood Buddy, Luna <3
FLAsH SaLe! <3 Take this cooooL Zippered Tote on a VaCatiOn (It Desperately Needs One) $28
These 3, BeLiNda (Lindy for short), AriSta, & CaThY AnN, Displayed Their Best Dance Moves!
Lou Anne & Phil Enjoying a Summer Picnic on Their New $29.99 Turquoise Picnic Blanket!
A CoMMiSsioN of Luna & Georgia
A Vase of TuLiPpY TuLiPs
'ApRiCoTs in a BluE VaSe'---Prints Available Under My 'Shop' Tab-- Original Available Also
I'M ThriLLeD to Have a Write-Up in 'So Scottsdale' Magazine, May Issue
CoMMiSsioNeD Piece for HOKA Footwear /Apparel & Sole Sports(This is Displayed at the Tempe Location)
A PaiNteD SeLfiE (by myself) of Jennifer Orkin Lewis
CelEbRaTe Earth Day April 22, & then just wear it because it's a cooooL T-Shirt! (& BaG)
WhiMsiCaL Prints for ChilDren'S RooMs <3