BlaCk FriDaY SaLe! Selected Items in JuLeS Shop! Special GiFtY GiFtS for You or Someone on Your ListjulesNov 24, 20230 min read
ThiS SaTurDaY!! Bring your FuRRy KiD! (Human or Otherwise)---There will be: ArTisTs with AniMaL Themed ArT, PaW ReaDiNgS, PaW PriNts, PaRaDe, MuSiC, FoOd BoOthS, & PeT AdoPtioNs! Hope to See youuu!<3
FloWeRs IreNe, MiKe, & KaT HappiLy ShaRinG a Bag of Sour Balls When the Adjacent Vase Began JaMMing to RoCk MuSic & the Sour Balls Went FlyiNg...
Valentine's Day & the LoVe MonTh Are Almost Here <3 <3 <3These are a few items in my shop on my website. Also, if there's an illustration or piece of art that you see on my website that isn't in...