HaPpy October! Title: "The Halloween Costume for "Porky Princess" Was Obvious"julesOct 1, 20241 min readThis was a commissioned piece of their cat, "Pork", affectionately called "Porky Princess". She did have another cat pal which they had adopted together, and named him "Beans" --So they had a Pork & Beans. Very creative!<3The 2025 Pure Whimsy Calendars are now available in my shop on this website. Click to see calendar.<3
This was a commissioned piece of their cat, "Pork", affectionately called "Porky Princess". She did have another cat pal which they had adopted together, and named him "Beans" --So they had a Pork & Beans. Very creative!<3The 2025 Pure Whimsy Calendars are now available in my shop on this website. Click to see calendar.<3
I Just Finished "Darlene the Butterfly" Metal Sculpture for the "Take Flight 2025" Phoenix Rotary Club Auction to Be Held in April at Shemer Art Center <3 I'm so excited to be a part of this!
TheSe 5 FloWeRs, Edna, HenRy, (Hank to his buddies), LouAnNe, JiM, Paul, & DeBBie, Are CelEbraTiNg Edna'S BiG BiRthDaY! <3 <3 <3