JuLes OriGinaL Art SALE (I have never done this) for Some SmiLe-Ish-NeSs to Hang Out in Your Home--Only on Instagram @julesagissler Friday-SundayjulesJun 28, 20240 min readAll Original Art, 9" x 12" (unless specified otherwise) on 140 lb watercolor paper. Details on my instagram post. The pieces will be in my instagram stories. Please email me if you have questions: jules@julesgissler.com <3
All Original Art, 9" x 12" (unless specified otherwise) on 140 lb watercolor paper. Details on my instagram post. The pieces will be in my instagram stories. Please email me if you have questions: jules@julesgissler.com <3
ThiS SaTurDaY!! Bring your FuRRy KiD! (Human or Otherwise)---There will be: ArTisTs with AniMaL Themed ArT, PaW ReaDiNgS, PaW PriNts, PaRaDe, MuSiC, FoOd BoOthS, & PeT AdoPtioNs! Hope to See youuu!<3
FloWeRs IreNe, MiKe, & KaT HappiLy ShaRinG a Bag of Sour Balls When the Adjacent Vase Began JaMMing to RoCk MuSic & the Sour Balls Went FlyiNg...
Valentine's Day & the LoVe MonTh Are Almost Here <3 <3 <3These are a few items in my shop on my website. Also, if there's an illustration or piece of art that you see on my website that isn't in...