MaRy RoSe...julesJan 22, 20191 min readMaRy RoSe was told by her big brother, Charlie, that if she stood with one arm tight to her side, and the other stretched long, that a pink flamingo would fly and sit on her arm. This hasn't happened yet, but Mary Rose is still hopeful.
MaRy RoSe was told by her big brother, Charlie, that if she stood with one arm tight to her side, and the other stretched long, that a pink flamingo would fly and sit on her arm. This hasn't happened yet, but Mary Rose is still hopeful.
ThiS SaTurDaY!! Bring your FuRRy KiD! (Human or Otherwise)---There will be: ArTisTs with AniMaL Themed ArT, PaW ReaDiNgS, PaW PriNts, PaRaDe, MuSiC, FoOd BoOthS, & PeT AdoPtioNs! Hope to See youuu!<3