julesOct 4, 20220 min readRoBeRt & BiGGs LaSt NigHt, First Studio, Fri. 6-9, 631 N.1st Ave, Phx(available in my shop or there)Title: 'Robert Was a Bit Pensive About His First Spa Experience' 36" x 24" $895 Title: 'Balancing Balls on a Dog Head...Biggs Knew this Was Amateur Stuff', 40" x 16" $450
Title: 'Robert Was a Bit Pensive About His First Spa Experience' 36" x 24" $895 Title: 'Balancing Balls on a Dog Head...Biggs Knew this Was Amateur Stuff', 40" x 16" $450
WhiMsicaL HoLiDaY/HoStEsS GiFts Through JuLes Art! <3----Gift Cards Are Available on My Home Page-----please email me if you have any questions! <3 <3
I'm Soooo ExicTeD! <3 My PoP-Up Event at Anthropologie Kierland Is ThuRsDay, 10-1 pm <3 <3 <3 <3 Hope to see you!