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Would JaQueLiNe HaRRis Present 

ToBy TiMs with a 2 Flower Bouquet?


Jaqueline Harris was just about to present her crush, Toby Tims, with a bouquet of 2 flowers in the lunchroom, when she spied from her side eye that he had just stuffed a pancake rolled around tuna fish, dipped in red jelly, including a side of pickle relish into his mouth.


She was totally grossed out. Was this something he

ate regularly? How could she possibly think he was her type now?


This was definitely something to have a serious

2 minute ponder...

Jacqueline tunafish story by jules gissler
kevin dog with crush by jules gissler copy.jpg

KeViN Has Deep Dog Love for Collie, MiNdy MiX


On days when Kevin doesn't see Mindy Mix, the collie, on his morning walks, he gazes off throughout the day, in large chunks of daydreams.


These dreams contain nuzzling with Mix on a deep starry night, letting her squeak his favorite squeaky toy, & chasing her in the yard, admiring her soft hair blowing in the breeze.


Oh how these dreams of day days always give Kevin a flutter in his tiny dog heart.

MiSSy Wearing her Wool Scarf


Even though the air was degreed at 92, Missy wore the wool scarf she had been aching to wear...she knew she looked cool.


missy and her cool scarf by jules gissler.jpg
joan by jules gissler

JoAniE LoUiSe BoTToMs


mixed several lipStiCks together, along with one liP gloSs. This was to achieve her fluorescent-green lip shade for her baby lips.


She highlighted them with a mauve lipliner to match her hair.


Was this to fetch a glance from Todd who worked in marketing? Maybe.


Joanie Louise and her suBtle, but flaShy, tiny lips screamed, "hello"...and "hello" again..."Todd".


MaDeLine RoSe QuaRteNe


wore an aqua-dyed flower tucked behind her ear. This was in hope that it would attract a young suitor at Ted’s cocktail Lounge.

jules gissler Madeline at the bar with flower in her hair 72_edited_edited_edited
GeorgeAnn by jules gissler

GeOrgEanN RuTh EliZabEth MiRiaM MaVe KeeLer


the acronym for her name is “Gremmk”. If it were a real word, &

there was a definition, it would definitely describe her current attitude. 


She is not pleased about this photo. There are way too many chins. Hence, the yellow scarf is for a distraction. 


She had to have it taken for the Hiker’s blog. She refused to remove her sunglasses. Her excuse was that they added to her “outdoorsy” appearance. 


Unbeknownst to them, they also covered the bags under her eyes from last night. She drank one too many Limoncellos at her neighbors. It was homemade. Of course, she had to give it a try…or two. 





It was a hippie name her mom gave her, but it fit. She ended up living in Hawaii. 


All her closest friends have gathered to ceLeBraTe a momentous occasion…the birthday of this hippie child. 


And where is Lorelei in this painting? She is hidden underneath this mound of festive, birthday confetti with one large smile stretched as far as it is able to go…and beyond. 


Of course, there is a frozen Margarita to her left, you just can’t see it. 

Abstract Lorelei by jules gissler
 jules gissler Cat in Watermelonsuit

FiOnA JoaN the FeLine,


is dressed in her punchy watermelon blouse, & skirt today. This is all in hopes to catch the eye of Norm, the tomcat. 

(Special Note: this outfit was not found in the sale rack, so Norm must take notice if he knows what’s best. Fiona Joan is truly a catch.) 

FloWeRs eLviRa, PeNNy JeAn, & RaBeL


are staring at GoTh, who is now lying on the table, face up. 


Goth was showing off earlier with his floWeR StunTs, but unfortunately, he pushed it a bit much. Now, he waits until Missy, who occupies the house, discovers him & places him back in the vase.


Goth…this is the third time since yesterday. 

pink and purple flowers in green vase by jules gissler
chocolate cake by jules gissler

JoHn was a choColAte caKe


He wasn’t the fancy kind with mousse, cherries, or mocha. 


There wasn’t a stout beer added, a spice, or even coconut pecan filling. 


He wasn’t drizzled with an espresso glaze, or flavored with a hint of peppermint, red wine, orange bits, or mint.


He also wasn’t flourless, vegan, or even had the crunch of a pretzel, or nut. 


John was a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. He was actually ok with that, and was flattered that he was chosen for a birthday cake. 


Although, if John could be a zebra wearing puka shells and swanked in teal, striped trousers with wing-tipped shoes…well, that would be a tempting story exchange, which he would definitely consider.

EddiE ThOmAs

Wintertime was a tough season to get noticed by your crush when just your head is showing. So, Eddie Thomas chose a fluorescent orange headband and applied heavy blush & eyeliner in hopes that Tony Delton would look her way.

Eddie Girl  in Winter coat looking for crush by jules gissler .jpg
Original painting Evie by Jules Gissler



also known as "EviE", wore robin egg colored eyeshadow, highlighted with pink bubblegum lip gloss.


These colors, of course, were inspired by her Barbie obsession. 


Her bouncy ponytail was an afterthought this morning, but it did, indeed, pull all her Barbie-ness together.

EliZa DuNdLe


was skeptical. —Skeptical of her shampoo that promised with a fancy commercial, to add volume to her poker straight hair…it didn’t. —Skeptical of the tanning salon that offered a huge discount on her spray tan (with tiny words attached that they weren’t responsible for the outcome) …it turned her blue. —And skeptical that her hair dye would be fine in chlorinated water, so said the hairdresser…her hair turned lime green. 


Even after all this daily, or weekly, misinformation and fallen trust, Eliza did have her dog, Frangle Frank, who never brought her a hair of skepticism. —Well, maybe for a moment when he ate her favorite shoe. But she recalls the day she adopted him. Eliza knew he couldn’t  promise good outcomes with advertisements, promotions, or people words said out loud.


Frangle Frank was just Frangle Frank, and spoke through his eyes, and soft affection of tight trust. In that, Eliza knew he would never fail her, or turn her skin blue. 


For in this, sometimes, misinformed world, Frangle Frank, will always be there for his Eliza, minus a shoe.

girl Eliza frank and dog by jules gissler
Christina with dog by jules gissler

This is ChRiStiNa MarKuS,


with deep contemplation, she ponders about love, her friendships, & if the chicken breasts were a better deal at Evergreen’s market. 

EdNa CaRmiChaEL


​& her dog, ‘Mike’ set the alarm extra early to get a front row spot for the neighborhood 4th of July parade. 

Edna took notice that as the crowd gathered, they were watching her, instead of the parade…something was fishy.

 Girl Edna 4th of July with dog and crowd jules gissler
millicent in her halloween lollipop costume by jules gissler .jpg

MiLLiceNt DoBBle


This is Millicent in her lollipop costume.. She recommends this outfit for future Halloween's for 2025. It's colorful, you don't need to do your hair, but tennis shoes over cowboy boots are urged.



the fluorescent-colored butterfly, trying to play tag with the bud clan, & Agatha the blossom.

However, they aren’t running. They must think

this is the frozen tag version. 

butterfly and flowers  by jules gissler

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I'll be in touch soooooooooon!

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Phoenix, AZ

"Live Your Magic" 

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